GCPC 2012

#affil.teamscore A B C D E F G H I J K
1FAUeasy cheesy peasy1014783 (204 + 40)1 (232 + 0)3 (25 + 40)01 (122 + 0)1 (261 + 0)1 (187 + 0)1 (98 + 0)1 (52 + 0)1 (131 + 0)1 (86 + 0)
2LMUWe don't have a team name912896 (119 + 100)3 (194 + 40)1 (19 + 0)02 (69 + 20)32 (220 + 20)1 (86 + 0)1 (54 + 0)1 (99 + 0)1 (249 + 0)
3KITfalse'); DROP TABLE teams; --917142 (231 + 20)2 (95 + 20)10 (298 + 180)01 (230 + 0)01 (195 + 0)1 (72 + 0)1 (45 + 0)1 (85 + 0)4 (183 + 60)
4KITKarlsruhe International Team814032 (83 + 20)02 (129 + 20)01 (286 + 0)01 (150 + 0)3 (209 + 40)1 (32 + 0)1 (170 + 0)1 (264 + 0)
5FAU(╯°□°)╯︵ ʇl∩∀Ⅎ ʎɯ ʇou815644 (266 + 60)05 (101 + 80)01 (227 + 0)01 (250 + 0)2 (61 + 20)1 (14 + 0)1 (264 + 0)2 (201 + 20)
6UROBlamage à trois712773 (185 + 40)05 (101 + 80)04 (290 + 60)1902 (136 + 20)1 (65 + 0)1 (81 + 0)1 (219 + 0)
7TUM#define true false610651 (219 + 0)03 (72 + 40)01 (169 + 0)002 (256 + 20)1 (36 + 0)3 (213 + 40)0
8TUMSpeedkröte611193 (247 + 40)03 (169 + 40)02 (221 + 20)002 (208 + 20)2 (60 + 20)1 (74 + 0)0
9TUMY U NO <*)))><611305 (174 + 80)112 (131 + 20)1 (287 + 0)2 (191 + 20)0402 (57 + 20)1 (150 + 0)0
10UDSCode Breathers61147101 (78 + 0)01 (194 + 0)01 (278 + 0)3 (221 + 40)1 (60 + 0)2 (256 + 20)0
11KITLasagne61159604 (122 + 60)01 (144 + 0)01 (270 + 0)6 (217 + 100)1 (49 + 0)1 (197 + 0)3
12FAUwhile(1);{printf("AC\n");}614906 (291 + 100)05 (244 + 80)01 (224 + 0)004 (268 + 60)1 (80 + 0)1 (143 + 0)0
13FAURandom.nextString()58883 (182 + 40)0002 (272 + 20)01 (56 + 0)05 (155 + 80)1 (83 + 0)0
14MLUDorfbarbiere510538 (215 + 140)2 (115 + 20)4 (279 + 60)02 (152 + 20)4202 (32 + 20)00
15FAUBlack Hole Coder47043 (287 + 40)0201 (109 + 0)01 (200 + 0)01 (68 + 0)00
16HUTTUHH Team 24768003 (196 + 40)0001 (163 + 0)01 (41 + 0)3 (288 + 40)0
17UDSThe Xntricks4797002 (109 + 20)04 (245 + 60)01 (270 + 0)01 (93 + 0)00
18ULf(){ f|f& };f4806008 (289 + 140)02 (196 + 20)2061 (35 + 0)1 (126 + 0)0
19FAUThe Good, the Bad and the Hacker48879 (290 + 160)43 (135 + 40)01 (61 + 0)0002 (181 + 20)00
20FAUOsterFAU Philissengeist340300401 (129 + 0)0041 (28 + 0)1 (246 + 0)0
21TUMThe Knights Who Code Ni347820502 (139 + 20)002 (256 + 20)1 (43 + 0)00
22ULTeammate350100001 (279 + 0)0102 (65 + 20)1 (137 + 0)0
23ULMLeast we could do350470202 (118 + 20)004 (261 + 60)1 (45 + 0)00
24FAUO(exp(x))36734 (296 + 60)5002 (244 + 20)0001 (53 + 0)00
25FAUKleinsche Dreiergruppe37035 (193 + 80)600001502 (74 + 20)04 (276 + 60)
26LMUTeam name too long to...3747007 (287 + 120)000001 (132 + 0)1 (208 + 0)0
27FAUStromausFAIL3849009 (297 + 160)01 (264 + 0)0012 (108 + 20)00
28KITSocke219530001 (156 + 0)0001 (39 + 0)02
29TUMSEGMENTATION FAULT22982 (114 + 20)01000031 (164 + 0)00
30ULMBOM23220000001 (253 + 0)01 (69 + 0)20
31HUTTUHH Team 1234000002 (225 + 20)0401 (95 + 0)00
32KIThaematopus2353105 (171 + 80)800002 (82 + 20)00
33LMUEagle2td>35800202 (271 + 20)0001 (67 + 0)00
34FAUuns doch woaschd!!!112374203 (224 + 40)010001 (110 + 0)00
35FAUNeed a team name? Why not Zoidberg? (\/) (;,,;) (\/)24604 (113 + 60)21300073 (247 + 40)00
36TUMTUrings Erben2482005 (257 + 80)000201 (145 + 0)00
37FAUNullPointerException175013002001 (75 + 0)00
38KITImbattableMasterBroggersAssoc.177002000001 (77 + 0)00
39TUMTUM5187006000001 (87 + 0)00
40ULMJulian Brehmer199005000001 (99 + 0)00
41TUMA-Team1207005000001 (207 + 0)00
42TUMrandom.giveName()1240403000003 (200 + 40)00
43ULMPinky ohne Brain1248100000003 (208 + 40)00
44ULMRocket1319000000002 (299 + 20)00/td>
45FAU13265 (246 + 80)2000000300
46FAU3 guys 1 pc0000100000400
FAUDie Hexen von EV0020300000000
TUMMichealsoft's Binbows0000320000100
FAUWir sind nur wegen den Broetchen hier00160200010000
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