Introduction to TUMjudge

What is TUMjudge?

The TUMjudge is a fork of DOMjudge, one of the most widely used tools that is in use for international programming contests like the ICPC. We use the TUMjudge to host all sorts of programming contests, for example Preparation Contests for the ICPC or our practice contests that you can use to train for the ICPC.

How do I use it?

First, you need to register. We use LDAP to handle all the accounts so there is no need to come up with a new password. Your account name is identical to the account in the "Rechnerhalle" at TUM (name in your email adress This also means that we are not responsible for your password. If you lose it, please contact the RBG, not us.

Which TUMjudge do I use and what are they for?

There are many reasons why people would use TUMjudge, so we split the TUMjudge into several smaller instances, dedicated to different fields. Currently we have:

Just choose the instance you want in the upper left corner.

Solving a Problem

TUMjudge is all about solving problems. In all of our instances, you will be presented with some problem statement and are asked to come up with a solution.

If you think you know how to solve a problem, you can start coding a solution. You can assume that all testcases satisfy the constraints that are in the problem set. Therefore you do not have to manually check that these are satisfied.

After you finished your solution and made sure that you think it is correct (by testing your solution thorougly), you can upload your code to the TUMjudge where it will be tested. For all our problems, we test your program on a lot of testcases. If your program manages to correctly solve all of them, the TUMjudge will accept it and you will have solved the problem.

Please keep in mind that we will test your program on more cases than just the sample input. This means that you have to think about special/corner cases that could be contained in the input, for example a graph without any edges or containing multiedges.


Here you can ask any questions that you may have. Depending on the question we can then decide if this is something we should clarify for everybody. Please send all questions related to problem statements through the clarification system, not via email.

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