We hosted a contest site of the Amirkabir ICPC 2015. One team from TUM scored the second rank.
On Friday, November 20 2015 at high noon, the TUM programming elite gathered in Room 02.07.038 to participate in the Amirkabir 2015, an annual programming contest organized by the Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT) in Teheran. 6 teams from TUM, among them the participants of the NWERC 2015, participated.
After a mandatory delay of 45 minutes the contest started. In total 57 teams from Iran and Germany participated. The problem set consisted of 9 problems, all of which were prepared by the organizational team from AUT. The difficulty ranged from very easy problems which every team was able to solve within a few minutes to very hard problems which nobody solved and only very few attempted.
Since the contest was held in Teheran and Munich at the same time, both contestsites liveblogged the latest updates for the others to see. The liveblog can be found here: http://icpc.aut.ac.ir/live/public/
After 5 hours of thinking, coding and drinking unhealthy drinks, the contest ended. The winning team was team 'CrockPot' from the Sharif University of Technology (SUT), the second place team was team 'ulteamaTUM++' from TUM. In total all of the TUM NWERC teams placed among the best 11 teams.
In total the contest was a success and we are looking forward to the next contest with you! A special thanks goes to the organizational team from AUT for preparing the problem set and inviting us to take place in their contest.