Again, as every semester, the last week of our practical course "Algorithms for Programming Contests" is the most fun one. Now that the students learned all kinds of amazing algorithms, it's time to apply them in the final contest week.

Today is the start of the final contest. Students of the practical course will participate in this week as usual as their homework assignment. However, the contest will be open to everybody else, as well. In particular, this means, that students from one of our older practical courses or all the other people with TUMJudge accounts are very welcome to participate, too. There will be ten all new problems spread across different kinds of topics considered in the practical course, each with lots of secret test data to check for correctness.

The contest starts on February 1st, 4 p.m., and will be held until Wednesday in the following week, Februrary 8th, 6 a.m. The problem statement can be found at conpra TUMjudge (Algorithms for Programming Contests WS2016 - Week 13) and the course website after 4 p.m. that day.

You can also participate in teams of up to two students.

Sample solutions will be presented next week in the lecture of the practical course, i.e., on Wednesday, February 8th, 2 p.m., in room 00.08.038.

Have fun solving!

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