Register for the GCPC 2019!
The German Collegiate Programming Contest 2019 takes place on July 6th from 11am to 4pm. This is less than a month from now! As every year, the ICPC team at TUM will host a local contest site in the computer hall at the Department of Informatics in Garching. Similar to last year, our colleagues at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg are in charge of organizing the GCPC 2019.
The registration works a bit differently than last year. You no longer need to register on the ICPC FAU Website but can perform the registration directly through the Baylor platform. This step is mandatory for participating in the GCPC 2019, so please go ahead and register as soon as possible. The registration deadline is July 1st.
If you are still looking for teammates, feel free to post something on the wall of our Facebook event.
Up to today teams from more than 15 academic institutions throughout Germany are planning to participate in the GCPC 2019. If you are interested in organizing a contest site at your own university, please contact our colleagues at FAU.