Get ready for Germany's major student programming competition! Registration is now open!
Finally! After this year's German Collegiate Programming Contest has originally been postponed for obvious reason, it will now take place on November 21th, from 11am to 4pm, in the internet. GCPC is Germany's main ICPC-style contest and TUM is again hoping to win big this year!
Rules have been adapted to deal with this year's unique circumstances.
In fact, as of November 10, the current Covid restriction for Bavaria do not allow more than two households to meet. Hence, it probably won't be possible at all to meet physically with your teammates. Instead, for a distributed participation, we recommend to use a voice or video-chat tool (Skype, Zoom, Teams, Hangouts, Discord, etc. - please also feel free to use one of the subgroups on our TUM Discord server if you'd like) and, in addition, a shared editor (such as to view and work on code together (as if you had one common computer).
The registration for the GCPC 2020 is a two step procedure and works as follows:
1) Fill out this registration form provided by our colleagues from FAU who are the main organizers for this year's GCPC.
2) In case you do not have an account on ICPC Global yet, please go ahead and create one. Once the official registration closes, we will create your team on the ICPC Global platform, add the respective team members, and officially register you for the GCPC 2020.
The registration deadline for the GCPC 2020 is November 19th!
Please note that student teams who are ineligible for NWERC due to study / age restrictions are still allowed to participate in the GCPC. If this is the case for your team, simply follow the registration instructions as described above.
In case you teammates attend different universities, you can only participate out of competition. If this is the case, please fill out the registration form and drop us an email at with your team name.
If you have any other questions regarding the registration, please send us an email to
In case you are looking for teammates or simply want to connect with the vibrant TUM competitive programming community, please fell free to join us on Discord:
Happy coding and stay save!