TUM goes to Sweden to participate in the Northwestern Europe Regional Contest of the ICPC.
As every year in late November, the Northwestern European Regional Contest is upon us. For nine students from TUM, this is the moment they have been training for - they will get to compete with top teams from all over Europe for one of the few much sought-after spots in the World Finals.
The NWERC is held annually at varying locations. This year, it takes place in Linköping, Sweden at Linköping University. More info about the contest can be found at http://www.nwerc.eu/.
But the NWERC is also a great opportunity for all of you that have to stay at home - you can have your own go at the problem set right from your living room. If you participate in our practical course, you can even earn bonus points to improve your grade.
So if you enjoy solving challenging problems, mark your calendars and join the fray.
The online contest starts on Sunday, 29.11.2015 at 10:00 a.m. CET online at https://open.kattis.com/contests/nwerc15open and will last for 5 hours. You need to register a Kattis account to participate.
Write a message to icpc@in.tum.de if you encounter any problems.