How to represent TUM in the NWERC 2021
As every year it is about time to decide who is going to represent TUM in the 2021 ICPC Northwestern Europe Regional Contest (NWERC). The contest will be hosted by Reykjavík University in Iceland, but as result of the COVID-19-pandemic, it will presumably take place online. Due to this new contest setting, we can't tell for sure at this point how many teams can compete per University. But similar to previous years, we assume that TUM will be granted between 2 and 4 (most likely 3) spots in the NWERC 2021. As each team consists of up to 3 students, this means there will be in total 6 to 12 students able to qualify for the NWERC. We will again rely on quite an involved selection procedure that enjoyed a high popularity among our students past years. It is based on student's performance in a number of upcoming online contests. Please read the details below and contact us in case you have any questions or would like to enter the selection process.
Everyone who is (or will be) enrolled as a TUM student in the winter semester 2021/2022 and is eligible to participate in the NWERC 2021 according to the official 2021 ICPC Regionals Eligibility Decision Diagram is welcome to participate in our TUM NWERC selection process.
For more information regarding the eligibility rules for the 2021 ICPC Regional contests, please click here.
Selection Period
30.07.2021 - 30.09.2021
Ranked Contest
Scoring Function
For each ranked contest, every student gets assigned a score measuring his/her performance in the contest. The score takes into account how many tasks a student solved and how difficult those tasks were. It is calculated as follows:
For the selection process, every participant is then assigned a total score based on his/her performances in the contests during the selection period. This total score t_j is the sum of the scores s_j of this participant in the individual contests, but only taking the best 4 contests of the participant into account.
Forming Teams
The best 9 participants according to their total score in the selection process create teams through a public discussion. If no consensus can be achieved, we use the following strategy: Students are ranked according to their individual scores. Ties are broken uniformly at random. The student with the best rank may now start to select his/her teammates. The student can ask any student who participated in the selection process to be his/her teammate. The student’s potential teammate can accept or reject this request. Once a team is formed, the student with the highest individual score but unassigned to a team may choose his/her teammates, and so on.
Telegram Group & Selection Bot
Some of our students wrote a great Telegram bot that automatically fetches the contest data from various platforms, calculates the new scores, and pushes these scores into our ICPC TUM Telegram group.
How to join the qualification
In case you want to take part in the selection process, please send us a message to icpc(at) including your full name, your codeforces and atcoder handles, and whether or not you're already in our ICPC TUM Telegram group.
Gregor Matl & Gregor Schwarz