The world finals 2016 of the ACM ICPC have ended as well as the BOI 2016. (photo by Randy Piland)
The 2016 world finals champions of the ACM ICPC are once again from St. Petersburg State University. The team managed to solve 11 of 13 problems with a penalty of 1560 minutes. The team from Shanghai Jiao Tong University also solved 11 problems. Further gold medalists are Harvard University and the Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology.
You can find all results of the world finals at, the problemset is available at The world finals were hosted by Prince of Songkla University in Phuket, Thailand.
The Baltic Olympiad in Informatics also took place this month. Mariusz Trela from Poland won the annual competion for students. BOI 2016 was hosted in Helsinki, Finland.
We published five of the problems from BOI 2016 at the contest judge. Try to solve the problems there. Thanks to Gregor for copying the problems.