Register now for the FAU Wintercontest 2019!
As every year, the ICPC team at TUM will organize a local contest site for the FAU Wintercontest. The contest takes place on Saturday, January 26 from 11am to 4pm. Please show up at least 30 minutes early at the computer lab (Rechnerhalle) of the Informatics Department, as we have to make some important organizational remarks before the contest starts. After the contest sample solutions will be presented, and prizes will be awarded to the best teams and to randomly selected participants. This will take approximately until 5pm. The registration for the FAU Wintercontest is opened until January 21 via the official FAU Wintercontest 2019 website. Students from all departments and all semesters are cordially invited to participate. As every year, free food and drinks are provided to all contestants during the contest.
The rules of the FAU Wintercontest are very similar to the ones of the German Collegiate Programming Contest (GCPC) which will take place later this year. Students are participating in teams of up to three students but have to share a single computer. The programming exercises can be solved with either C++, Java, Python 2 (pypy), Python 3 (cpython) or Haskell. You may also bring as many books and written material as you want. Electronic devices are strictly prohibited.
The problems of the FAU Wintercontest are usually a bit easier than the ones of the GCPC. Hence, this contest is an outstanding opportunity to find great teammates and get accustomed to the general setup and problem style of ICPC programming contests. The problemset of last year’s FAU Wintercontest can be found here.
We are looking forward to meeting all of you at the contest!
In short:
UPDATE: There will be a practice session on Tuesday, January 22, from 11 am to 6 pm. All registered teams will receive login details via email.