First place for TUM's team TUMbling!
This year's FAU Wintercontest took place in the Rechnerhalle at the Faculty for Informatics last Saturday. The contest, which is organized by the ICPC team from the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, has become an integral part of our programming contest calendar and is certainly one of the highlights. In this five-hour event, participants approached 13 problem statements that described a mediaeval story but at the same time required keen understanding and cutting-edge algorithms in order to solve them.
A total of 84 teams from 10 different institutions participated at 9 contest sites all over Germany. Our contest site in Munich hosted 25 teams that were composed of 55 contestants in total. While 23 of the 25 teams were from TUM, we also welcomed two teams from the Frankfurt University of Applied Science.
We are very proud that TUM's team TUMbling was leading the scoreboard throughout most of the contest and managed to secure the first place in the end. The team, which is comprised of Florian Leimgruber, Gregor Matl and Lukas Michel, will also take part in the ICPC World Finals later this year. The teams DonaldTUMp and 4294967295 ended up second and third among TUM teams and were placed 11th and 12th overall.
We want to congratulate all participants on their achievements and hope everybody enjoyed the event as much as we did! Last but not least, we want to thank our colleagues at FAU once again for the great contest organization.